National Press Comics Presents Stark !
Oakland , CA based National Press Comics will be soon unveiling its first monthly publication, Stark , with a plethora of titles to follow! Stark , with its gothic mystery has gained a great deal of praise from the public and at the WonderCon convention in San Francisco , CA . Who or what exactly is Stark? A nation? A man? Those who would escape the law find out the hard way; their blood spilled by this inhuman angel of retribution… Discover the secrets of the Stark monthly from NPC!
Produced by National Press Comics, Stark is written by D. Ledon Mason with artwork by Kyaw Ar Kar. Stark is the first of four books included in National Press’ Wave1 marketing campaign. Each book will target a different genre, attracting new readers from outside the comic book medium.
Fans can find this and other great NPC products at their local comics shop, or by contacting the Comic Shop Locator Service toll free at 1-888-COMICBOOK (1-888-266- 4226) or online at ht:// .
Art for this comic is available upon request.