NPC heads to Modesto this weekend for the inaugural ModestoCon! Fred, Age, and Jaimel will be there to handle all your NPC needs! Pick up a copy of the new Won & Phil collection and get it signed, or maybe a Menhit poster. Whatever’s clever; NPC’s got you covered., We’ll see you there!
We are a network of fans and enthusiasts coming from all walks of life, dedicated to making the idea of Modesto-Con (a pop-culture convention centered in Modesto, California) a reality.
The city of Modesto has earned its fame as the home of geek culture icons such as George Lucas (known for “American Graffiti” and the “Star Wars” saga) and “Marvel’s Avengers” star Jeremy Renner (Hawkeye), as well as “Buffy the Vampire Slayer” and “Angel” star James Marsters (Spike). The cosplay, anime, comic, and all-around geek culture is ripe in Modesto. It grows as fervently as our almonds. We are the perfect city for such a convention